"Creative Bodies—Creative Minds",
an interdisciplinary conference in gender research brings together scholars, practitioners and activists from social science and humanities disciplines to explore the relationship between gender and creativity. Conference panels, workshops, film screenings, after-dinner discussions and exhibitions address new concepts and locations of creativity, as well as creative research methods and art-based research. Of particular interest are everyday and vernacular creativities, including material and intangible DIY forms, creative self-fashioning, coping strategies and resourceful adaptations to social and political circumstances by communities, groups and individuals.
Creative Bodies—Creative Minds originated in 2018 as a twin conference of "Talking Bodies" held at the University of Chester
Contact us
Eva Krasser BA
+43 316 380 - 3540
Department of Sociology
RESOWI, building section G, 4th floor
Universitätsstraße 15, 8010 Graz